

Exceptions from Python's threading module are not included. For information please refer to Python's errors and exceptions page (opens in a new tab).

Don't have the thread library? See here for installing thread

Suppressing Exceptions

When initializing a thread, you can parse a suppress_errors boolean. When a exception is raised it is stored in the Thread._errors attribute. By default this is set to false.

For ignoring exceptions see here.

from thread import Thread
def bad_function():
  raise RuntimeError('>:cc')
# Suppress exceptions
thread1 = Thread(
  target = bad_function,
  suppress_errors = True
print(thread1._errors) # list[RuntimeError('>:cc')]

Ignoring Exceptions

When initializing a thread, you can parse a ignore_errors sequence. When a exception is raised it will not be stored within Thread._errors or raised. By default this is set as an empty tuple.

For suppressing exceptions see here.

from thread import Thread
def bad_function():
  raise RuntimeError('>:cc')
# Ignore error
thread2 = Thread(
  target = bad_function,
  ignore_errors = [RuntimeError]
print(thread2._errors) # list[]

Suppressing and Ignoring Errors

It should be noted that these arguments are not exclusive of each other; you can both suppress and ignore errors.

# Non-ignored error with suppressing
thread4 = Thread(
  target = bad_function,
  ignore_errors = [ValueError],
  suppress_errors = True
print(thread4._errors) # list[RuntimeError(':<<')]


The list of exceptions that can be thrown accompanied by common ways to resolve the error.


This is the base exception class that all exceptions inherit from.


This exception is raised when you attempt to invoke a method that requires the thread to not be running, but the thread is currently running.

You can wait for the thread to terminate with Thread.join() before invoking the method
You can check if the thread is running with Thread.is_alive() before invoking the method


This exception is raised when you attempt to invoke a method that requires the thread to be running, but the thread is currently not running. This is raised when you attempt to invoke a method which requires the thread to be running, but isn't

You can run the thread with Thread.start() before invoking the method


This exception is raised when you attempt to invoke a method that requires the thread to initialized, but the thread is not initialized.

You can initialize and start the thread with Thread.start() before invoking the method


This is raised when hooks raise an exception.

This exception conforms to the rules given when a thread is ran with suppressed or ignored arguments.

Example traceback

HookRuntimeError: Encountered runtime errors in hooks

1. my_function

2. my_otherfunction

See here for how to using the thread.Thread class!